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Why Can’t I Lose Weight? Struggles in Weight Loss

Why Can’t I Lose Weight Struggles In Weight Loss


Why Can’t I Lose Weight? | Little Elm, TX

Why Can’t I Lose Weight
Why Can’t I Lose Weight

Weight loss is challenging. If you’re eating healthy and working out as you should, but you’re not losing weight, there may be a reason. There are so many more factors at play when it comes to losing weight and these include genetics, environment, sleep habits, and muscle mass, among others.

Commonly, most people can lose quite a lot at first without much effort and may later slow down or stop completely after some time. Although difficult, weight loss is still possible. It is important to trace your weight loss journey backward and identify those factors that are standing in your way or causing a plateau.

In this article, we will be sharing some of these factors affecting your weight loss journey and provide you with actionable tips on how to break through the plateau and aid your weight loss results.

Is it because I skip breakfast?

According to a recent study, skipping breakfast can disrupt the body’s internal clock and cause weight gain, even if one actively tries to lose weight with a healthy diet and exercise.

Skipping breakfast has been linked with obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, so skipping your breakfast may be one of the reasons you’re not experiencing your desired weight loss results.

Do things in moderation rather than doing too much, opt for a healthy breakfast, and don’t overeat.

Why Can’t I Lose Weight
Why Can’t I Lose Weight

Do I eat too close to bedtime?

The way the body responds to calorie consumption is different in the morning versus the evening. Hence, eating late at night, close to your bedtime, maybe the reason you can’t lose weight.

Eating just a few hours before bedtime or close to your bedtime contributes to several metabolic changes that increase hunger and affect the quality of sleep, all of which may increase your risk of long-term weight gain.

Research has shown that people who eat meals well ahead of bedtime have enough time to properly digest their food and are not at risk of excess weight gain. Opt for light dinners and eat way ahead of your bedtime for effective weight loss results.

Is it because I’m under too much stress?

Being under too much stress is enough reason for you to not experience your desired weight loss results. If you find yourself gaining weight despite eating healthy foods and exercising, stress may be the underlying cause.

Stress allows you to crave unhealthy, high-calorie snacks for a quick fix. It may even cause you to eat when you don’t need food. The dangers of stress are worth taking active measures to reduce stress and seeking more balanced lifestyles to avoid long-term impacts.

If you feel like you’re under so much stress and finding it difficult to lose weight, it’s advised to address the root causes of your stress and eliminate them as much as you can.

Is it because of my gender?

Gender is another factor that may influence the effectiveness of weight loss programs. A study shows that significant weight reduction during weight loss therapy is achieved by both men and women, but women can expect better results even though there are certain factors.

Men and women have different amounts of body fat, and these fats are stored in different areas of the body. Studies have shown that it’s more difficult for women to lose weight. The factors causing these differences are majorly the body composition in men and women and hormonal differences and their effect on weight loss.

However, if you work with a professional, the appropriate weight loss plan will be curated, and you can expect the best possible outcome.

Do I burn calories more slowly than other people?

You may be finding it difficult to lose weight possibly because your body is burning calories more slowly than it should. The rate at which your body burns calories is based on your metabolism. If you have a slow metabolism, your ability to lose weight will be reduced.

However, there are ways you can increase your metabolism. Eating healthy diets, exercising, managing stress, being active, and treating any underlying conditions like hypothyroidism can boost your metabolism which allows your body to burn calories faster.

Am I getting enough sleep?

Good sleep is one of the most important factors influencing your physical and mental health as well as your body weight. Poor sleep is one of the biggest risk factors for obesity, and if you’re not getting enough sleep, it may affect your weight loss process.

Studies show that not getting enough sleep and too much sleep are both associated with obesity. Hence, it’s recommended to find an appropriate balance to avoid oversleeping or not sleeping enough.

The recommended amount of sleep for an adult is an average of 8 hours, about 10 hours for adolescents, and 13 hours for children and infants. Depending on age, you can follow a strict sleep schedule to help with weight loss.

Is it my genes?

Genetic differences can also be the reason for difficulty in losing weight. Over 400 different genes have been associated with the causes of overweight or obesity. Genetics contribute to the inability to lose weight in many ways by affecting appetite, satiety, metabolism, food cravings, body-fat distribution, and the tendency to use eating as a way to cope with stress.

The impact of genetic influence on weight disorders varies depending on the individual. Having a rough idea of how large the role your genes play in your weight may be helpful in terms of treating your weight loss concerns. Consulting a weight loss specialist can help you in this aspect.

Is my eating schedule unpredictable?

 An unpredictable eating schedule may also be the reason why you’re not losing weight as you should. When you space out your meals too much in an unpredictable manner, your metabolism slows down and isn’t able to burn off all the excess calories you eat in your next meal.

These extra calories may add up, resulting in extra weight. It’s better to design a predictable eating schedule that your body can easily adapt to so that you can avoid overeating because you’re too hungry. Create a consistent eating schedule and eat food in small portions.

Is it due to a problem with my overall health?

Maintaining a good health status overall can help you in your weight loss journey. This is because there are certain medical conditions that not only drive weight gain but also make it much harder to lose weight. Experiencing health problems like hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome can be the reason why you’re not losing weight.

If you think these apply to you, speak with your physician about your options so you can address the problems with your health and be able to lose body weight.

Why am I not losing weight in a calorie deficit?

The simplest formula to lose weight is to combine exercise with a calorie deficit diet, which is usually effective. However, you may still not lose weight with a calorie deficit diet if your calorie deficit is imbalanced.

This means that you’re consuming more calories than you’re burning. Exercising too much and experiencing a lot of stress also prevent you from losing weight in a calorie deficit. Avoid exercising too much and ensure you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming.

How can I lose weight off my stomach?

Losing stomach fat can be a bit challenging, but with intentional measures put in place, it’s possible to lose weight off your stomach.

Instead of diving into dieting, consider healthy meal plans, minimize your carbohydrate consumption, create and stick to an effective exercise routine, and avoid processed foods.

What to do if it’s hard to lose weight?

 A lot of people find it difficult to lose weight, mostly because they don’t understand how weight loss works. If you’re finding it difficult to lose weight, research the science behind weight loss or consult a weight management professional to provide you with appropriate information on losing weight.

The weight management professional will work with you throughout your weight loss journey until you see good results.

What is blocking my weight loss?

A lot of things could be blocking your weight loss, ranging from hormonal imbalance, unhealthy diets, poor sleeping habits, experiencing certain health conditions, and chronic stress.

Once you identify and address any of these factors, you can expect the best outcome possible in your weight loss journey.

Methods of Lose Weight in Forever Slim Little Elm, TX

Methods Of Lose Weight In Forever Slim Little Elm, TX
Methods Of Lose Weight In Forever Slim Little Elm, TX

Excess weight is associated with a variety of health complications that affect the quality of health of an individual. At Forever Slim, we offer medical weight loss programs to help individuals lose excess weight and live a healthier life.

Our medical weight loss program at Forever Slim entails the use of comprehensive metabolic testing and medical diagnostics to develop the perfect combination of medical and lifestyle support that fits individual needs.

Our weight management specialist provides you with all the expert guidance and necessary information that will help you throughout your weight loss journey.

Take a step towards achieving a healthy body weight by Booking a Consultation session with our weight management specialist at Forever Slim Little Elm, TX.

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