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Lose 15 lbs in 30 Days: Medical Weight Loss

Lose 15 Lbs In 30 Days Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss Program in Little Elm

Using medications for weight loss and management is becoming increasingly popular due to their efficacy. Many people looking to lose weight are now using medical weight loss medications and supplements instead of the traditional exercise and diets that usually don’t yield good results for most people.

Medical Weight Loss Program In Little Elm
Medical Weight Loss Program In Little Elm

Medical professionals sometimes prescribe medications for patients who are obese or overweight. There are also medications for type 2 diabetes that can also facilitate weight loss in diabetic patients and non-diabetic individuals.

At Forever Slim, we provide medical weight loss programs for individuals who are obese or overweight in Little Elm and its environs. If you are obese or overweight and have been looking for effective ways to lose weight, you should consider booking a spot for our medical weight-loss program.

Continue reading to learn more about the medical weight loss program.

Medications for Weight Loss

There are various medications for weight loss available. Below are the most popular and effective weight loss medications available:


Metformin is a medication that is prescribed for the management of high blood sugar levels caused by type 2 diabetes. It can also be used as a weight loss medication.

Metformin is available as a tablet and as a solution. The tablets and solution are taken orally. Metformin works by reducing the quantity of sugar produced by the liver and also reduces the amount of sugar absorbed by your body. It helps to reduce your blood sugar levels by increasing the effect of insulin in your body.

Orlistat (Xenical)

Orlistat is an over-the-counter drug for weight loss in Little Elm. It is approved by the FDA for use in adults with weight loss challenges.

Orlistat works for weight loss by reducing the amount of dietary fat absorbed in your intestines. It inhibits the action of lipase, a digestive enzyme that helps to break down dietary fat into smaller parts, which are then used or stored for energy.

Orlistat can be used by adults who are 18 years and older with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more. It can also be used by adults with a BMI of 27 to 30 with weight-related health conditions or who have risk factors for developing weight-related conditions.

The brand name of Orlistat is Xenical. It should be used in combination with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and regular exercise.

Phentermine and Topiramate (Qsymia)

Qsymia is a weight control pill that is approved by the FDA for adults and children aged 12 years or older who are obese or overweight with weight-related medical problems. The primary ingredients in Osymia are phentermine and topiramate.

Osymia works by reducing your appetite and making you feel full for a long period of time after eating. It reduces your cravings for food, thereby reducing your calorie intake which leads to weight loss over time.

Like other weight-loss medications, Osymia should be used in combination with healthy, low-calorie diets and exercise.

Medical Weight Loss Injections

Below are medical weight loss injections:


Semaglutide is a medication that is usually prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It helps to control blood sugar. It can also be used as a weight loss and management medication in people with type 2 diabetes. It may also be prescribed by doctors off-label as a weight loss and management drug for non-diabetic individuals.

Semaglutide is a class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1) agonists. It works for weight loss by suppressing your appetite so that you feel full for a long period of time. This helps to reduce your food intake and invariably your calorie intake which leads to weight loss.

Wegovy, Ozempic, and Rybelsus are brand-name drugs of semaglutide. They can all be used as weight-loss medications. However, only Wegovy is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a weight-loss medication. However, Ozempic and Rybelsus can sometimes be prescribed off-label by some doctors for weight loss and management.

Semaglutide is approved for use in adults and children aged 12 years or older who are obese (BMI ≥30) or overweight (BMI ≥27) and have weight-related medical conditions.

Weight loss medications, including semaglutide, should be combined with healthy diets and regular exercise to achieve impressive weight loss results.

Semaglutide is available as a solution that is injected subcutaneously underneath the skin of the upper arm, stomach, or thigh.


Tirzepatide is a prescription medication used to treat type 2 diabetes and can also be used as a weight-loss medication. Tirzepatide works for type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin levels, which helps to reduce your blood sugar levels. It works for weight loss by reducing your appetite and making you feel less hungry, thereby reducing your food intake and calorie intake which facilitates weight loss.

Moundaro is a common brand name drug of Tirzepatide. Tirzepatide is available as a solution that is injected under the skin once every week.

Medical Weight Loss Supplements

Below are common weight loss supplements:


PhenQ is a weight loss supplement that facilitates weight loss in 5 different ways. It burns fat, reduces the accumulation of fat in the body, reduces food cravings, boosts energy levels, and improves your mood throughout your weight-loss program.

PhenQ contains ingredients that help to facilitate weight loss, which include alpha lipoic acid, cysteine base, and magnesium. These ingredients help to reduce excess weight, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels. It also contains capsaicinoids, which help reduce your body’s ability to store excess fat cells.

It also contains natural chromium picolinate, nopal cactus, and natural caffeine, which improve insulin sensitivity, reduce cravings for food, and promote a feeling of fullness for a long period of time. It also contains naturally occurring amino acids and l-carnitine, which helps to improve your mood and cognitive support, keeping you feeling good and motivated throughout your weight loss journey.

Weight loss supplements should be used in combination with healthy, low-calorie diets and regular exercise to ensure better weight loss results.


Phen24 is a weight loss supplement that contains natural ingredients that boost both your metabolism during the day as well as at night when asleep. It facilitates weight loss by burning fat, reducing hunger, keeping you energized, and boosting your mood.

Phen24 is available in two separate packs for day and night consumption. The ingredients in the one that should be taken during the day are different from the one that should be taken at nighttime. The ingredients help to increase your metabolism during the day and at night while asleep.

An increase in your metabolism helps to facilitate weight loss by increasing the ability of your body to burn fat. It also increases your energy levels to be able to engage in exercises and daily activities, which increase your body’s ability to burn fat. It also reduces your appetite, thereby reducing your calorie intake. It contains important vitamins like vitamin C, biotin, and zinc.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss
Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

It is safe

Medical weight loss is a safe way to lose weight. You will be medically monitored during your weight loss journey. Medical weight loss programs are monitored by medical professionals who are trained in the field of weight loss. They are regulated by healthcare professionals who ensure your safety throughout your weight loss program.

It is effective

Medical weight loss is effective in helping you lose weight. It is easier to lose weight with a medical weight loss program because it is monitored by healthcare professionals who specialize in weight loss. You can experience better weight loss with a medical weight loss program than with traditional weight loss programs like diets and exercise.

You lose weight in a healthy way.

Eating foods that are not healthy can negatively affect your ability to lose weight. Engaging in extreme exercises in an effort to lose weight can be detrimental to your health.

With a medical weight loss program, you can lose weight in a healthy way. During your weight loss program, you will be monitored by medical professionals to ensure that you’re healthy and safe throughout the program.

You will be medically supervised.

One of the main benefits of a medical weight loss program is that you will be medically supervised throughout your weight loss program. Various medical professionals will work closely with you throughout your weight loss journey to ensure that you achieve impressive weight loss results. You will be advised on the right foods to eat, the right exercises that you should engage in, and other healthy lifestyle practices that will help you achieve weight loss.

What to Expect from a Medical Weight Loss Program

Knowing your body composition

At the start of your medical weight loss program, you can expect a detailed breakdown of your body composition. Knowing your body composition is important for weight loss and will help medical professionals ensure good weight loss results. Your body composition describes the amount of your weight that is fatty tissue, lean tissue, and water.

Thorough review of your medical history

The provider or doctor will review your personal and family medical history, including the drugs you’re currently taking. You should inform your doctor about the medications that you’re taking. This will help in developing a suitable weight loss plan that will work for you.

A review of your lifestyle

Your lifestyle will also be reviewed. Your lifestyle can negatively impact your ability to lose weight. The kind of lifestyle you live, such as daily living, the kind of foods and drinks you eat and drink, and some other non-healthy lifestyle practices can negatively affect the ability of you to lose weight.

During your weight loss program, your weight loss doctor will review your lifestyle and make recommendations to help you lose weight.

Develop a diet plan.

What you eat and drink is very important when it comes to weight loss. Your weight loss doctor will develop a diet plan that will help you lose weight. Your diet plan will comprise of healthy, low-calorie, and low-fat diets.

A workout plan

A medical weight loss program also involves engaging in exercises that facilitate weight loss. Your weight loss doctor will recommend suitable exercises that you should engage in. A workout plan will be created for you. It is important that you stick to the workout plan. This will increase the ability of your body to burn fat. Sticking to your workout plan also ensures that you don’t regain weight.

What is a BMI calculator?

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is your weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of your height in meters (or feet). Your BMI indicates how fat you are. A high BMI indicates that you’re very fat while a low BMI indicates that you’re not very fat.

Who needs medical weight loss?

You need to undergo a medical weight loss program if you’re obese or overweight. You’re obese if you have a BMI of 30 and above, while you’re overweight if you have a BMI of 27 and above with weight-related medical conditions.

Why does medical weight loss work better?

Medical weight loss program works better than traditional weight loss programs because it is medically supervised and monitored. Medical professionals who specialize in weight loss will work closely with you throughout your weight-loss program to ensure that you achieve your weight-loss goals.

What results I will see with medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is effective for most people. However, results vary from person to person depending on various factors like metabolism, lifestyle practices, etc. Some people lose more weight than others. On average, individuals lose between 2 to 5 pounds of their body weight each week.

What drugs are approved for weight loss?

What drugs are approved for weight loss
What drugs are approved for weight loss

Various drugs are approved for weight loss. These include:

  • Semaglutide (Wegovy)
  • Orlistat (Xenical)
  • Phentermine and Topiramate (Qsymia)
  • Bupropion-naltrexone (Contrave)
  • Liraglutide (Saxenda)

Is medical weight loss healthy?

Yes. Medical weight loss is completely healthy and safe. It is medically supervised and monitored by medical professionals in the field of weight management.

What is the success rate of Medi-Weightloss?

Medical weight loss is highly successful. It provides personalized and professional guidance for long-term weight loss. According to a study conducted in 2020, people who are obese or overweight who enrolled in a Medi-Weightloss program lost an average body weight of 21% after 10 months. They lost 2-3 pounds each week for the first month.

What is the cost of Medical weight loss in Little Elm, TX?

The cost of Medical Weight loss in Little Elm varies from provider to provider. The total cost sums up the charges for initial consultation, check-ins, medications, etc. The cost of the initial consultation typically ranges from $250–300, while check-ins range from $75–100 per week. The total cost can range from $1,000 to $1,500 for a 3-month program.

How fast do you lose weight with medical weight loss?

You can lose weight within a month with medical weight loss. On average, patients lose 2-3 pounds each week with medical weight loss. Some people lose up to 5 pounds each week.

Why Choose Forever Slim for Medical Weight Loss in Little Elm?

Forever Slim is a reputable clinic that provides medical weight loss programs in Little Elm, TX. We provide professional guidance to people who are obese or overweight. We help them achieve their weight loss goals through professional weight loss programs.

We’re the best place in Little Elm where you can enroll in a result-oriented medical weight loss program to achieve your weight loss goals.

Schedule a booking for an initial consultation, or give us a call.

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